JUDUL Improving Institutional Performance Management Through Training, Leadership And Commitment
ABTRAKSI Performance management is one of the keys. This study aims to: determine the effect of training, leadership and commitment in improving institutional performance. This research is a descriptive research with multiple regression model. The population in this study were employees at Institution X Yogyakarta. The sample determined by using the convenience sampling technique. Data were collected by questionnaire and literature study. Data analysis was carried out by descriptive analysis, namely validity and reliability tests; multiple linear regression test and hypothesis testing consisting of F test, correlation coefficient test, coefficient of determination test and t test using SPSS 22.0 for windows. The results showed that: (1) Training had a positive and significant effect on performance, (2) Leadership had no, negative and insignificant effect on performance, Comitment had a positive and significant effect on performance, Training, Leadership and Commitment together had a positive and significant effect on performance. significant to performance.
PENYUSUN Aris Indriyanti
Peer Review LIHAT