JUDUL Enhancing college human resource quality for competition in the globalization era
ABTRAKSI Towards the 21st century college will face quite serious numerous challenges and problems in its development. The crucial issues concerning human resource development amounted to 219.20 million in Indonesia so that the need for solving various problems, especially in the field of education. Nowadays universities in Indonesia were treading global challenges. The challenge is how to turn this potential into one more effective to drive the country's development as an effort to improve the welfare of Indonesian people. The college is a producer of excellence and professional workforce so that the need for housekeeping in the education sector is more advanced based global education, because the problems that arise can be influential in various other sectors. Barriers to increasing the competitiveness of higher education can be seen from various aspects of the problems that arose. There are several alternative solutions to problems that exist in improving the competitiveness of higher education in Indonesia, including through the improvement of human resources, in college in Indonesia.
PENYUSUN Aris Indriyanti