ABTRAKSI Advertising is one of the marketing communication media that is often used in economic activities in an effort to introduce products to consumers. Advertising as a means of marketing goods or service products must be able to look attractive and persuasive. There are several dimensions of advertising including: First The contents of the message, creating an effective advertising message is to decide what general message will be communicated to consumers to plan the message strategy. Beauty is the beauty that faces have on women. With the beauty of a woman, making women look confident in their existence. Many ways are used by women in beautifying themselves by using cosmetics. Cosmetics has become one of human needs in general. The use of cosmetics for legal purposes may be provided with the condition that the materials used are halal and sacred, intended for purposes that are permitted sharply and not harmful. The existence of increasingly rapid competition in the world of beauty, PT. Paragon and Innovation (PTI) creates cosmetic products into products that are in accordance with the wishes of women. Wardah is a cosmetic Wardah is a safe cosmetic to use because all Wardah's cosmetic products have been reviewed by the LPPOM-MUI (Food, Drug and Cosmetic Research Institute of the Indonesian Ulema Council) so that Wardah's cosmetic products have a halal certificate. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a significant effect of message content, message structure, message format, and source of Wardah cosmetics advertising messages on television media on purchasing decisions by STIE "YKP" students in Yogyakarta. The method used in this research is a quantitative approach. interpreted as a research method based on positive philosophy is used to examine a population or a particular sample, sampling techniques are generally carried out randomly, data collection using research instruments, quantitative / statistical data analysis with the aim to test the hypothesis that has been set. And data collection techniques using the interview method, the questionnaire method, and secondary data are data obtained from books, journals and other parties. From the results of the independent variables in this study, a significant independent variable that is the message content means that this variable is influential on purchasing decisions on Wardah cosmetics. While the insignificant is the content of the message, the message format, and the source of the message means that this variable has no effect on Wardah's cosmetics purchasing decisions.
PENYUSUN Aris Indriyanti
Peer Review LIHAT