JUDUL ANALISIS GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TERHADAP KINERJA PERUSAHAAN (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Sub Sektor Plastik & Kemasan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 201 4 - 2016 )
ABTRAKSI This study aims to analyze the effect of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) on company performance. The population in this study is a plastic & packaging sub - sector manufacturing company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2014 - 2016 period. Samples from this study were taken by purposive sampling with certain criteria. Measuring company performance using Tobin’s Q and ROA. Independent variables used are the Board of Commissioners, the Board of Directors, and the Audit Co mmittee. While the Dependent Variables used are Tobin's Q and ROA. The results of this study indicate that the variables of Good Corporate Governance (Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and Audit Committee) do not significantly influence company p erformance as measured by Tobin’s Q and ROA, because the significance value is above 0.05 with the t test. The lack of a number of the Board of Commissioners, the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee does not guarantee a high quality of company perfo rmance and does not affect the quality of profits generated by the company. Keywords : Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, Audit Committee, Tobin's Q, ROA, earnings quality and quality of company performance
PENYUSUN Novi Daru P , Azfa Mutiara A. P, Fajar Aribowo
Peer Review LIHAT
Peer Review LIHAT